MEMSIC offers a wide variety of Inertial sensors, Inertial Measurement Units (IMU), Attitude Heading Reference Systems (AHRS), Vertical gyroscopes (VG) and Fiber optic vertical gyros. These systems are unaided, high performance, solid-state attitude and heading reference systems intended for General Aviation and Unmanned Vehicles applications. The strap-down inertial system provides attitude and heading measurement with static and dynamic accuracy comparable to traditional spinning mass and directional gyros. |

MEMSIC's NAV420 and NAV440 product families utilize MEMS-based inertial sensors and GPS technology to provide a high accuracy system for maneuvering platforms. These platforms include airborne systems (unmanned aerial vehicles, aircraft), land vehicles (tanks, HUMVEES), and marine vessels. The core technology consists of sophisticated algorithms and advanced signal processing techniques for the integration of GPS and Inertial Measurement Unit data for the purpose of real-time navigation and post mission, high precision positioning and attitude determination.
The MEMSIC NAV420 and NAV440 are fully-integrated GPS-aided attitude & heading reference systems and GPS navigation solutions. The NAV440 provides full inertial data (angles, rates, accels) and GPS position, along with inertially derived velocity that provides significant improvement in stability and latency compared with stand-alone GPS velocity measurements.
Typical Applications: Unmanned Vehicle Control, Avionics Systems, Platform Stabilization |

MEMSIC’s AHRS series of solid-state inertial measurement systems combines the functions of a Vertical Gyro and a Directional Gyro to provide measurement of Roll, Pitch, and Heading angles.
The AHRS500 is the most widely used MEMS-based Attitude and Heading Reference System for avionics upgrades. The field-proven FAA-certified AHRS500GA is providing accurate and reliable attitude and heading information to instrument panels and autopilots in more than five hundred fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft.
Certification: TSO C4c and TSO C6d; it is qualified per DO-160 and DO178B
Level C test standards.
Output: RS-232
The AHRS510GA is a field proven high-reliability MEMS Attitude & Heading Reference System that supports all of the standard ARINC 429 message labels for an AHRS. The FAA-certified AHRS510GA is designed for use in OEM and retrofit aircraft avionics systems, and for airborne antenna pointing systems.
The AHC525 is an Attitude & Heading Card designed specifically for OEM avionics system applications where an embedded AHRS solution is required. The AHC525 is suitable for use in FAA certified fixed and rotary wing aircraft and is DO-178B Level A approved.
Typical Applications: Land Vehicle Guidance, EFIS and Flight Management Systems, Airborne Antennal Control |

Traditional Vertical Gyros use a mechanically gimbaled gyro system that is erected to a gravity reference to provide measurement of roll and pitch angles relative to earth’s horizontal axes. MEMSIC’s VG platforms utilize the latest MEMS micro-machined sensing technology. The VG combines angular rate and linear acceleration measurements to create an electronically stabilized "VG", without the typical orientation, warm-up and reliability limitations of traditional systems.
The VG320CA is a robust entry-level system for cost-sensitive OEM and commercial applications while the VG440CA provides an unmatched value in terms of price and performance. The VG700CB series is a 3rd-generation high stability Fiber Optic Vertical Gyro with less than 20°/Hr drift while the VG700AB series is specifically designed for Automotive Test Applications. The VG800CA is a high stability (3°/hr) MEMS Vertical Gyroscope specifically designed for commercial and automotive applications.
Typical Applications: Antenna Stabilization, Automotive Testing, Unmanned Vehicle Control |

An Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) provides full Six Degree of Freedom (6DOF) motion sensing for applications such as instrumentation, control, and navigation systems. Angular rate and linear acceleration are measured about three orthogonal axes.
MEMSIC’s IMU320 is an entry-level MEMS inertial measurement solution while the IMU440 is a solid-state IMU utilizing the latest MEMS micro-machined sensing technology combined with digital signal processing to provide reliable, easy-to-use inertial system in a small, lightweight package. The IMU700CB is MEMSIC’s third generation high stability Fiber Optic IMU while the IMU800CA is a high stability (<3 °/hr) advanced MEMS Inertial Measurement Unit
Typical Applications: Vehicle Testing, Instrumentation, Navigation and Control |

The NAV-DAC440 analog interface adapter is an invaluable accessory for customers wishing to use the 440-Series Inertial products in analog-only applications. The NAV-DAC440 converts the RS-232 serial digital outputs from 440-Series products to analog DC voltages. |
Typical Applications: Dynamic Motion Testing in Analog Data Acquisition Systems |