
The WSN-STARTER kits provide an easy and cost-effective way to get first-hand experience with wireless sensor networks. These entry-level kits provide all the basic components needed to create a minimal wireless sensor network including three wireless modules, two sensor boards, one gateway and programming board with the MoteView visualization software. The Starter Kit is available in 2.4GHz. |
Typical Applications: Academic Programs |

The WSN-PRO kits provide the tools for the development of real-world wireless sensor networks and the creation of proof-of-concept systems. Eight wireless modules with a variety of sensor and data acquisition boards, two gateway and programming boards, housings for prototype deployment and MoteView visualization software are included. The Professional Kit is available in 2.4GHz. |
Typical Applications: Academic Programs, Testbed Setups |

The OEM Design Kits enable the development of customer specific wireless sensor devices for volume production. Pre-programmed, open reference design specifications, detailed hardware documentation and stamp-size modules allow for fast integration of wireless processor/radios into hardware designs. Five wireless modules with data acquisition boards, five OEM modules, one gateway and one programming pod, and MoteView visualization software are included. The OEM Kit is available in 2.4GHz. |
Typical Applications: WSN System Enablement, Asset Management |

Classroom kits are ideal for the typical teaching lab or university sensor class, getting students up and running quickly and economically. To support 10 lab stations, a collection of 30 wireless modules, 20 sensor and data acquisition boards, 10 gateway and programming boards are included. The Classroom Kit is available in 900MHz and 2.4GHz. |
Typical Applications: Academic Programs, Testbed Setups |